Hai Wolves!
Natha di sini~ 
Natha abis beli contact lens baru!!!
Buat cossu Ayano Tateyama dari Kagerou Project.
Natha mau debut cosplay lo~~~ (?)
Ok, selamat mengamati~
Sebelum Natha mulai oot ke debut cosplay lol
Hi Wolves!
Natha is here~ 
I just bought a new contact lens!!!
For cosplaying Ayano Tateyama from Kagerou Project.
I'll start my coplay debut~~~ (?)
Okay, happy reviewing~
Before I start talking about my 'cosplay debut' lol

Natha bingung mau reviw dari mana...
Natha ga pernah review-reviewan!
Ok ok, mari kita mulai dari identitasnya(?)
     Nama panjangnya X2 CHIC by EXOTICON. Ini tips buat para newbie. Kalau mau beli contact lens coba pake merk X2 dulu dan pilih kadar airnya yang 50% ke atas. Biar mata kalian terbiasa pake contact lens dulu baru pilih merk-merk yang lain.
     Contact lens ini kadar airnya 55%. Jadi waktu dipake kaya ga pake lens~ Favorite Natha banget!
     Ukurannya 15.00 mm. Ga gede tapi ga kecil. Tetep berkesan dolly tapi natural. Yang bikin berkesan dolly itu coraknya yang pinggirannya item. Tapi dalemnya warna cerah tapi agak gelap. Sesuatu pokoknya!
     Jenis ini ada empat warna. Coklat, biru, hijau sama abu-abu. Natha beli yang coklat karena Natha mau cossu Ayano dong~
     Ohya ampir lupa!  Masa pakai contact lens ini sampe enam bulan mulai dari contact lens ini dibuka. Satu tips lagi, setiap contact lens dibuka langsung catet dibuka tanggal berapa. Kalau bisa ganti satu bulan sebelum masa habisnya. Jadi kalau masa pakainya enam bulan, pakai aja selama lima bulan. Buat jaga-jaga hehehe 
I'm confused...
I never did a review before!
Okay okay, let's start from the identity(?)
    The name is X2 CHIC by EXOTICON. This is tip for newbie. If you wanna start using a contact lens, choose X2 because X2 have many contact lens with high water content. It will make your eyes get used with contact lens.
     This contact lens water content is 55%. It feel like you wear nothing~ This is my favorite!
     It's 15.00 mm. Not to big or small. Keep the dolly looks but still natural. The black side in edge make us look dolly. But the light color in the middle make our eyes looks live. So something!
     There are fours colors for this contact lens. Brown, blue, green and grey. I bought the brown one for Ayano Tateyama cosplay of course~
     Oh yeah!  You can use this contact lens for six month. Another tips, take a note everytimes you open your new contact lens so you'll not forgot when to change for the new one. For safety, get a new one one month before out of date. So if it used for six months, just use it for five months. Just to keep your safety hehehe 
Bad english, I know 

Itu foto contact lensnya waktu Natha pake 
Yang atas tanpa light, yang bawah dengan light.
Lucu kan~?  hohoho
Ohya! Jangan lupa baca intruksinya sebelum pake ya!
Di dalem kotak ada intruksi dalam bahasa Indonesia (di selembar kertas) dan bahasa Inggris (di kotaknya bagian dalam)
Semoga review ini bermanfaat!
Tolong komentar tentang reviewnya ya!
Soalnya ini review pertama, pasti banyak kurangnya 
That's the contact lens photo when I wear it 
The first one without light, the others with light.
So cute dont cha~?  hohoho
Oh yeah! Don't forget to read the intruction before wear it!
There are intruction with Bahasa (in a piece of paper) and in English (in the box)
Hope this review is useful!
Please leave a comment!
Because this is my first review, I know there is a lot mistake here 

Harga : Rp. 100.000
Tempat : Optik 99 Kediri, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Terima Kasih
Selamat Melihat-Lihat
Thank You
Happy Walking

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